As a user or consumer of Office 365, you are likely aware that one of the available services you get is Microsoft Forms (MS Forms). MS Forms provides a friendly, simplistic interface to design and share forms using various questions, types, and includes some nice branching logic.
As of 7/1/2019, Microsoft announced the availability of Microsoft Forms Pro—the “Pro-fessional” version—but what does that mean? What’s the difference between the two?
Microsoft Forms vs Forms Pro
The biggest difference between MS Forms and Forms Pro is Forms Pro puts all the enhanced features into sharing and analyzing surveys. Forms Pro does little for question types, but where it shines is how you share your form and what you can do with the responses. In addition, you can integrate Forms Pro with the Power Platform and use dynamic data in the questions and emails.
Let’s compare the two, screen by screen, to highlight the differences between MS Forms and Forms Pro.