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Monday, August 17, 2020



Important Educational News Updates Of Date:-17/8/2020 are Below. 
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Ready Daily Educational News UPDATES on This Site. We daily updates new & Latest Educational News updates from various newspapers Like Sandesh, Gujarat Samachar, Navgujarat Samay, Jay Hind Etc. Newspapers of Gujarat.

Due to the prevailing policy in standard 600 to 12, 600 classes categories are close  Ahmedabad, which stops schools in the back of the schools, the absence of secondary department staff in districts, corona fears and 20 to 22 classes stood in the prevailing policy. Due to the large trouble, due to heavy difficulty, the entry in Dh.9 has been delayed by the governors of the Governors in districts and metages. The state of the state is presented to be the first to write a letter from the class of the class of classes in the higher section. It is frightened to be settled for labor. Are in both sections. It has been said that due to the current large group, more than 600 categories closed policy of 600 classes in 2020-21, the state has returned to its state of Std .9 to 12. It is a guess to happen. In these circumstances, more than 600 classes are likely to close, more than 1100 teachers in the categories from standards to 12 to 12. In addition, 1100 teachers have also left the entry. Schools are likely to happen in 2020-21. This condition is likely to be employed. 

The second round of starting the second round starting at the second round of the second round of commerce college empty, 478 students from today's second-to-day starting the entry of the entry, from 17 to 19, Choice Philing and 21 Mee College will be allocated Was done. After the allocation of the entrance to the colleges, after connecting with the University of our Gujarat by 21st, only 478 students confirmed the admission of a different five-course by completing the fees in the fee login. The 3500 seats will be empty due to the proceedings running in colleges in the colleges of students. 

7500 students' internal exams have been completed in the 110 PTC colleges in the 110 PTC colleges in the Ahmedabad state, not taking the examination of the PTC examination. But yet written examination has not been taken. Written examination preparations were completed by the State Examination Board. The meeting number of students were allocated. But due to the corona epileness, the test was not taken. The result is also the result by completing the remaining examinations of the Gujarat Secondary Education Board and the results have been given to the state exam Boardhuji PTC 7500 students can not be examined. The number of students can be taken easily due to lower. However, students who are not taken in the examination have been troubled in extreme trouble. Due to not completing the first year's exam, these students have tried online studies in the second year.

New teaching will bring rampant results to the country AIFUCTO warning. 

200 has been made by the end of the Indian resistor's day resistor of the day by sending the entire letters when the Indian resortality is collective Apart from this, the announcement of expressing collective energies, is also running heavy hardship. This is a new local and catacly-wager. Education also organized the same agenda of the government, the government, the government is based on the new government to express the government, in which the country's main and general people will announce new education to the universities to be awakened to any reason about any reason for the information about the public, and the universities. 

 considerations have been in charge of the bank, Aikundro and Joint Forum. Together with the Central Government of All India Life, Railway, Aircraft, Casculus, Oil Movement on Education, the Central Government includes recently, including the Federation of University and College, New Education Declared As Akhil Indian Resistance Day This policy was announced to neglect the unity of the country's current diversity, by expressing a collective proficiency, and the recent Indian University is announced by neglecting the unity and the college of teacher is an online discussion discussion. AIfukco was clarified as recently received. 

New teaching will bring rampant results to the country AIFUCTO warning. 

200 has been made by the end of the Indian resistor's day resistor of the day by sending the entire letters when the Indian resortality is collective Apart from this, the announcement of expressing collective energies, is also running heavy hardship. This is a new local and catacly-wager. Education also organized the same agenda of the government, the government, the government is based on the new government to express the government, in which the country's main and general people will announce new education to the universities to be awakened to any reason about any reason for the information about the public, and the universities. 
 considerations have been in charge of the bank, Aikundro and Joint Forum. Together with the Central Government of All India Life, Railway, Aircraft, Casculus, Oil Movement on Education, the Central Government includes recently, including the Federation of University and College, New Education Declared As Akhil Indian Resistance Day This policy was announced to neglect the unity of the country's current diversity, by expressing a collective proficiency, and the recent Indian University is announced by neglecting the unity and the college of teacher is an online discussion discussion. AIfukco was clarified as recently received. 

70% of the teaching of youth of cochid -19 is interrupted: ILO Ta15 Decent Jobs Youth 18 Most affected youths could not successfully change to liring online. The conclusions of a study of ILO. (Agency) 12000 youths of countries were covered in this 22 international labor. According to the reports (IA) reports, high said that the study is 65 in income. While more than 1,3 online and distinguish employment, education, mental constant obstruction, the young people to take their future liring, due to their career, rights and youths, due to their career during their careers. Have deteriorated. 17 percent of youth are uncertain. ILO | Since starting the pestilence | Corona in the context | Depression and Concerns Young and Cochid-12: How They Lower Much Low Learning | Have become. There are 18 to 24-year jobs, education, rights. The report has been stated. | Know that the effects have fallen in this age group and on mental welfare or the continuous global surveys conducted on the undergoing global surveys. Despite the attempts to keep 51 | Came. 112 in the survey. | The lowest level is. No

During the corona, Schocolorcholvi in India, WHO and UNICEF presented the report (agency). More than 469 million World Health Organization | Children have the latest statistics of any hygiene monitoring in their school in 2019 and UNICEF. | Did not have a service. These children show that India's Rant | More than half-sub-Sahara schools are from Africa in just one. A Quatistic Drinking Water Structural | Features from Central and South Asia are available. Which is from India, from which the diaron is from India's schools. Considering the risky such that can prove to be a full-world school. However, in India among the struggling pestilence to open | Is issued. It is said that, the facility was not. Full currently opening the school with the WHO and half of UNICEF. | The world has not been decided after the schools closed. | The report said in the report of structural hygiene service and reports that the full world is lacking 43 percent. Unprecedented about the welfare that India reports at the school with water in 2019 in 2019. | Have come against the challenges. It was structured with water of cooling facilities, 818 | The executive director of UNICEF is not available in the area rapidly. In million children's schools, we are children, but many of them were reported in the report. | Structural Handwashing | Prior to prioritizing education, there is a shortage of soap, that there was a shortage of corona service in 60 countries. 3 should pup. That means, is. Health and Humanity due to stated in the report Million schools were to reopen the schools that the school level is the highest risk of crisis
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