Instantly scan printed text AND handwritten math problems using your device’s camera or type and edit equations with our scientific calculator. Photomath breaks down every math problem into simple, easy-to-understand steps so you can really understand core concepts and can answer things confidently.
Scan textbook (print) AND handwritten problems
Scientific calculator
Step-by-step explanations for every solution
Multiple solving methods
No internet connection required to use
30+ languages supported
Interactive graphs
Basic Math/Pre-Algebra: arithmetic, integers, fractions, decimal numbers, powers, roots, factors
Algebra: linear equations/inequalities, quadratic equations, systems of equations, logarithms, functions, matrices, graphing, polynomials
Trigonometry/Precalculus: identities, conic sections, vectors, matrices, complex numbers, sequences and series, logarithmic functions
Calculus: limits, derivatives, integrals, curve sketching
Statistics: combinations, factorials
Our in-house team of veteran math educators also partner with teachers worldwide to ensure we’re utilizing the most effective, contemporary teacher methodologies in our math engines.
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