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Gujarat Rajy Pathypustak Mandal was Established in 1969 on 21st October. Since 39 year mandals main target is top quality Textbooks are Published and to Gujarat students they’re easily available at Reasonable prices in all over Gujarat.
Through Mandal Std. 1-12 Gujarati Medium textbooks are published. Thereafter in English, Hindi Marathi, Sindhi, Urdu, Sanskrit and Tamil Language also text books are published.Gujarat Pathypustak Mandal Also Known As GSSTB
In the previous chapter we saw that politically and economically the English rule was imperialist exploitative and authoritarian and painful. But what surprises us is that at the same time this English rule was very progressive in social and educational matters. He came to India with the new values associated with social humanism, rationalism and education prevailing in the then Europe. Not only these values but he also developed modern educational institutions, railways, telegraph, post, road and means of transportation, education and communication. In this sense, he was the founder of Rational, Secular and Progressive. In the early 19th century, great social leaders like Raja Rammohan Roy embraced these ideas and values. As a result, they seem to have made great efforts to eradicate the prevailing socio-religious evils in India. English rule in India ushered in a new era of awakening. India had a relationship with the British for the first one and a half hundred years as a merchant and for the next one and a half hundred years as a ruler. Due to this, Indian culture came in contact with Western ideology and Western culture and from it the role for the innovation of modern India was formed. Contact with the British led to new departures in the social and religious spheres as well as in the political and economic spheres. Gradually the prevailing vices and vices of Indian society also began to come out.
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As a result, modern-minded social reformers in the 19th century became committed to eliminating the vices and evils of Indian society. However, in the beginning, some leaders enthusiastically embraced the trends of Western culture and carried out social-reform and religion-reform activities in which the activities of Brahmosamaj in Bengal and Prarthana-Samaj in Maharashtra could be considered fatal. But in response to this onslaught of Western culture, some talented leaders in the late 19th century initiated social reform and religion reform activities towards the basic values of Indian culture, in which the activities of Arya Samaj and Ramakrishna Mission were of special national significance. Of course, all these reformers, despite differences in their ideas and methods, sincerely wanted the upliftment of the country and society.
The 19th century has been called the century of cultural and intellectual awakening in Indian history. Raja Rammohan Roy and Brahmo Samaj The forerunner of the Indian Renaissance in the early 19th century was Raja Rammohan Roy (1774-1833) and the Brahmo Samaj he founded. Raja Rammohan Roy was born (May 22, 1774) in the village of Radhanagar in the Hooghly district of Bengal to Ramakant to a Brahmin family there. He received his early education in Patna and Varanasi. Apart from Bengali, he was fluent in Urdu, Sanskrit, Greek, Hebrew, Latin, Persian, Arabic and later English. He studied the religious texts of different religions. The combined influence of Vedanta, Islam and Christianity is found in the thinking of King Rammohan Roy. He founded Raja Rammohan Roy of Brahmosamaj to run the movement of socio-religious reform. He was the pioneer of Brahmosamaj.