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Gujarat Ray Osteopathy Mandal was Established in 1969 on 21st October. Since of 39 year mandals main target is a top quality in a Textbooks are Published and to the Gujarat students they are easily available at the Reasonable prices in all over Gujarat.
Through Mandal Std. 1-12 Gujarati Medium textbooks are published. Thereafter in English, Hindi Marathi, Sindhi, Urdu, Sanskrit and Tamil Language also text books are published.Gujarat Osteopathy Mandal Also Known As GSSTB.
Date 16-6-2020 Maths video
Date 15-6-2020 Gujarati video
The Sikh are Empire in a Jupiter are established in a learner in the Nanak in the 15th century. Sikh religion is associated with guru tradition. In which 10 gurus occurred. 10th Jupiter Gov-ind Singh are established in a Sikh State to the Sikhs of the unity. After Guru Govindusinh, Bandabhura made terrible H2R 312 rebellion against the Mughal Empire. Sikhs were divided into a group. One of the which Dharappi’s powerful leader are Ranjit Singh are developed in the Sikh Empire. He are conquered Lahore and the Amritsar. He are conquered Kashmir, Peshawar and in the Muralan wide in a area of the Sikh Empire. His army had European generals and soldiers. They are made in their army as a ultimately modern as a European in the military. In Lahore, he established a cannon factory. They were religiously generous. However, after in his death, the British e. S. In 1849, the Sikh Empire merged into the British Janist’s Empire. The Maratha Empire is the front of the Chhatrapati Shivaji in the 17th century great in the rulers. Shivaji built an a independent state of the Sultan, Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb, Portuguese etc. Under the leadership of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, the Marathas adopted a guarantee in a fury. He are established a skilled, efficient and in the public relative for an a independent state. With this achievement, Shivaji’s high character and liberal policies were also included.
After Chapatti Shiva Shiva’s grandson Shah was a imprisoned by a Aurangzeb. The year After a 1707, Shahu’s exhaustion broke out a between in his or her aunt Kakabai. Peshwa associated with a Shahu Balaji won the Victory with Shahu. Since his time, Peshwa practice started in the state of the Maratha. Balaji was the first Peshwanath. He are decided to take a all the power in his own hands to the develop in the state of the Maratha. The year In a 1720 his died, his son became Bahroano’s first Peshwa. They were skilled warrior and clever politics. He developed many Mughal areas in the Marunda Empire, the Chhatrapati Shivaji developed the Maratha state. He also won in the floor, Gujarat and the Bundle. Not only that, he also defeated Hyderabad Izanami. He are a transformed Maharashtra to a great in a Maratha in the empire. The year After in his death in a 1740, his son became Balaji Balaji Peshwana. He are received a triumphs from in the Bengal to the Mysore.
The leaves contain a green pigment called chlorophyll. It is a helps the leaf to the absorb solar energy. This energy is used to the make food from carbon dioxide and the water. Thus, since food is synthesized in the presence of the sunlight, it is a called photosynthesis. (Photo = light; Synthesis = Synthesis). So we can say that a chlorophyll, sunlight, carbon dioxide and the water are important for in the process of the photosynthesis.
This is a special phenomenon on the earth. Solar energy is a absorbed by the leaf and the stored in the plant in the form of the food. As such, the sun is a unique source of the energy for all living things. Can you imagine in a life on the earth without a photosynthesis! No food can be a made without photosynthesis. The survival of the almost all organisms depends, indirectly or a directly, on the plant-derived food. Oxygen, on the other hand, which is a essential for the survival of all living things, is a produced by a photosynthesis. Life on the Earth is a impossible in the absence of the photosynthesis.